This is a thread for links to the annual Athens Seminar. I need to add here the upcoming dates as they occur. If I remember correctly this usually occurs around February of each year, in proximity to Epicurus' birthday.

The Oldest Regularly-Occurring Epicurean Seminar / Convention - Athens, Greece
August 2, 2021 at 4:24 PM Changed the title of the thread from “The Oldest Regularly-Occurring Seminar / Convention - Athens, Greece” to “The Oldest Regularly-Occurring Epicurean Seminar / Convention - Athens, Greece”. -
Videos from the 2021 Session are now available here:…gli-interventi/
These just came in from Michele and I have not had a chance to look at them except to note that Michele tells me they are all in Italian.
If someone sees something we need to feature please post about it!
This graphic is featured on the front page of EpicureanFriends because it reflects the core spirit of Epicurean philosophy. The graphic was first featured at the 2021 Senegalia Epicurean Festival. The graphic features Michele (with glasses) ready to break the chains of religion with Epicurus' leadership! The artist is David Baldone, who portrays himself on the left. In the middle is of course Epicurus, then Fabrizio Chiappetti, a friend of Davide and Michele Pinto, and then Michele Pinto on the right.
Here is the video of Christos Yapijakis, leader of the Athens Epicureans, proving that he is fluent in at least three languages (including Italian, and we already know he is fluent in Greek and English). That's very impressive in itself and that's three more languages than I am fluent in! If anyone has a clue as to what he is saying please comment below.
michelepinto looks like you had some T-Shirts! What does this say?
Great - thank you!!!!
Book three for Don and all Latin scholars!
E tenebris tantis tam clarum extollere lumen
qui primus potuisti inlustrans commoda vitae,
te sequor, o Graiae gentis decus, inque tuis nunc
ficta pedum pono pressis vestigia signis,
non ita certandi cupidus quam propter amorem
quod te imitari aveo; quid enim contendat hirundo
cycnis, aut quid nam tremulis facere artubus haedi
consimile in cursu possint et fortis equi vis?
tu, pater, es rerum inventor, tu patria nobis
suppeditas praecepta, tuisque ex, inclute, chartis,
floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia libant,
omnia nos itidem depascimur aurea dicta,
aurea, perpetua semper dignissima vita.
nam simul ac ratio tua coepit vociferari
naturam rerum divina mente coorta
diffugiunt animi terrores, moenia mundi
discedunt. totum video per inane geri res.
apparet divum numen sedesque quietae,
quas neque concutiunt venti nec nubila nimbis
aspergunt neque nix acri concreta pruina
cana cadens violat semper[que] innubilus aether
integit et large diffuso lumine ridet:
February 24, 2023 at 6:15 PM Moved the thread from forum In-Person / Regional / Local Conventions and Seminars to forum Friends of Epicurean Philosophy Garden of Athens.
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