This was originally posted in the discussion of the 6/3/24 First Monday Zoom, but was moved to this new thread.
Thanks to those who attended last night's Zoom (a total of 7 attendees). We had a fruitful and enjoyable discussion.
The discussion moved onto the question of whether or not risking one's life for being an astronaut on the Boeing rocket would be a good choice, and whether or not Epicurus would warn against it or support it. We then briefly discussed psychological hedonism.
The issue is: How does one apply an Epicurean analysis to a high-risk activity?
In the meeting Cassius stated that it isn't the longest life but the most pleasant. (Letter to Menoeceus) .
However, I believe that there are several ways to interpret this, and I differ from Cassius because I see this is a kind of remedy for when one develops an illness and is faced with death, that one shouldn't feel that one is missing out on a full life.
To see last night's slides and a slightly different question see this post:
Health of the Body and Happiness of the Soul -vs- "The Goal is Pleasure"